Crivia F.A.Q (Frequently asked questions)

Frequently asked questions

Why do I need an account?
In order to play any of my games you need to be logged in, and instead of having a seperate log in account system for each game (which I did at one stage) you can have one account for all games.
Are all your games free?
YES! All games on the cliftonbazaar network are free to play (and can be completed for free). In order to raise funds to pay for this network we allow paying players to gain extra benefits.
You allow people to use facebook (or twitter, or another social account), do I need all these accounts?
No. If you have these accounts then you are welcome to use them, or link them together, but you only need one account.
If I have a facebook account (or twitter, or another social account) do I need a 'cliftonbazaar' account?
No. You only need one account, you may use whichever account you wish to use.
Can I have multiple accounts? For example a facebook account and a twitter account?
No. You must link your facebook and twitter accounts to the one account (if you choose), you cannot have both.
What are 'cliffos' and what can they get me?
Instead of having differant payment methods across each site we have one centralised way of paying. By buying 'cliffos' you can then use that 'currency' in any of the games that are on offer.
Copyright James Clifton 2010 - 2012